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How Do I Recognise Good Advice for My Business | Case Study

Written by Specialist Machinery Sales | Dec 28, 2018 2:10:00 AM


All those working in the steel fabrication and processing industry have shared similar experiences, although some of us from different points of view. We have all seen ourselves as being at the sharp end whether we are mining ore, making steel and fabricating structures, or as design engineers and machinery manufacturers. With our clients, we have collectively seen the contribution our industry makes, always driven by determination, learned expertise, and teamwork.

Take a moment to think about those different points of view and all of the pulls and pushes that challenge our business’s ability to be not only competitive but relevant. We know that the pushes are easier because the majority of them are when we drive improvements, ideas, and change. The pulls however tend to be what others consider good advice for my business, without accepting that they don’t know my business with the intimacy that I do. The disappointing thing is that this affects the size of the team and the extent of expertise available to the rest of us.